Where Is Your Office?
I don’t have one, for me it’s unnecessary overhead. So I used to work out of the Gladstone Hotel when working at home isn’t cutting it. The pandemic forced me to build myself an actual office in the house, but I’m still looking forward to getting back to the Gladdy. Love it there.

When Do You Offer Workshops?
I work with any number of organizations to offer workshops in marketing and social media for artists. They are always listed on the workshops page on this website. You should come. I’m also available for hourly one-on-one teaching and training, and to come work with you and your staff or Board.

What Do You Do?
Wander over to the Home page – should all be there.

I Bet You’re Expensive. Can I Afford You?
I have no idea. We haven’t even talked yet. Let’s do that first, and see if we can make something work. Anything is possible.

Do You Write Grants?
Sorry, not anymore.

Do you still do PR?
Sorry, nope to that as well. I do marketing both on and offline, I can do ad campaigns in the same places, but press releases and getting the Globe or NOW to write about your show is no longer a part of what I do.

What Will You Need From Me to Work Together?
Clients sometimes wonder what I need to do my job well for their company, their show. The quick answer is I will take any info you have to share as more is better than less. The companies I’ve worked with in the past have helped shape this list by being amazingly nimble, quick to permit and helpful – there was a genuine sense of teamwork on getting the word out about their show. It wasn’t just my job, or just their job, it was our job.  Click here for a more expanded list of needs.

Will You Come talk To My High-School/University Class about careers and life after school?
YES. Yes, I will. I love coming to talk to students about careers in the arts other than acting. I like students, they’re interesting to talk to and we generally have a good session because I do not lecture – we have a conversation.  I am big on that. One of the sessions I did last spring had questions ranging from How can I meet Harry Stiles? to What is a good-paying job in your career? to How can I balance life and school stress if I go to university? By all means. Be in touch.